Sunday, October 12, 2008

I'm so EXCITED!!!

Guess what?
My mom told me that my older cousin just bought me and my brother a shuffle ipod. I know it's not the latest but it's cool 'cause it's going to be my first time to have an ipod! So who cares if it's old or new?
Anyway, I'm preparing my playlist for my ipod. I'm planning to buy a lot of CD's. And this is the list of what i would be buying (hopefully).
  1. Jonas Brothers Album - A Little Bit Longer
  2. Miley Cyrus Album - Break Out!
  3. Boys Like Girls Album
  4. and other CD albums that i would be seeing in the store.

Those are at least my top three target CD's. But before the last two CD's my second priority is Camp Rock DVD.

I'm excited for both the ipod and the CD's and DVD.

Most of all, I can't wait for High School Musical 3: Senior Year!!! I would be seeing it in its premier showing with my friends.

I can't wait!!!

That's all for today! I have to sleep if i want to be well!

Ciao for now!!! Peace.

I'm Back!!!

Hey wassup?

It has been a long time since my last post. I was busy with my homework, projects, quizzes, and exams. It was darn long that I had to sleep late like 11pm. My eye bags grew bigger. Now, i have cough and cold. I just recovered from my sinusitis. i wasn't able to use the computer for two weeks. This is the only time i've got this week since I would be sleeping, napping, eating and resting if i want to get well from cough and cold. i should be well before October 24 because that would be the premiere of HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3 : SENIOR YEAR in theatres. iI would be watching it with my best friends at school. It will be so awesome!!!

Anyway, I'll be posting another one later. I just have to finish personalizing my e-card for my friend who had her birthday yesterday. I wasn't able to greet her because I didn't get her number and I wasn't able to use the computer yesterday since I was resting.

So, talk to you later!

I'm out for now! Peace.