Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's The Time of My LIFE!!! - Continuation

Mood: guilty
Currently listening to: The Best Day - Taylor Swift

I almost forgot... last week, Friday, we got the certificates from the quiz bee. Our team were second place in the hands-on part of the quiz bee!!! Our team also grabbed third place in the overall thing. When our names were said in front of the whole High School Department, I attempted to jump up and down again just like last time. But what made me stop was the principal and directress presence who were the once who gave the certificates.

One thing that gave me my attention that time while holding the cheap certificates of our school was my name written in the wrong spelling!!! It spelled - Darryl - which was WRONG!!! so when the better math teacher in the school proctored us (he was the other geometry/trigonometry/algebra/facilitator of the mathletes), I complained (just a little bit). He said he'll take it back and change the spelling of my name. What a dude. He was awesome too! The class had fun with him during the geometry period. I wish he'll be the class' trigo teacher next school year...

I feel guilty because I haven't started anything yet!

Gotta go na!

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